Iain Stamp Uses Threats of Legal Action to Intimidate

anyone who Calls him Out!

The Truth is: he Doesn't Want to go Anywhere Near a Court

Iain Stamp first Threatened to sue TheSpaniard [aka Simon Goldberg] on 11 June 2022. Spaniard sent Stamp his postal address for the Service of Legal Papers, and Invited Stamp to Proceed.

 Iain Stamp has since sent Simon more than 150 emails containing threats of Legal Action, Injunctions, and Norwich Pharmacal Orders yet has NOT issued ANY proceedings! 
It’s all HOT AIR and WIND with Iain Clifford Stamp – no Substance Whatsoever! 
Just like his Mortgage Elimination SERVICES!

As at 1 Oct 2024 Iain Stamp has issued NO Legal Proceedings whatsoever

DAYS SINCE Iain’s First Threat of Proceedings: 852 – Followed by ZERO Proceedings

In His Webinar of 3 July 2023 Stamp again threatened to Issue Proceedings against Simon

It appears Stamp tried to issue a court claim but couldn’t get the paperwork right.

In December 2023 Stamp’s court claim against Spaniard was kicked out by the High Court for failure to particularise the claim and or state a case. 

This is in addition to the 230 sub standard Mortgage Claims Stamp completed on behalf of unsuspecting victims. All the paperwork was thrown out!
The victims believed that Stamp knew what he was doing! 

Stamp claims to have had 25 High Court victories yet can’t express a claim properly – proving that the words: “Bull” and “Shit” run through him like a stick of rock!

Iain Stamp will not willingly go anywhere near a court.
He is clearly afraid to face TheSpaniard in a Court-Room environment.

Coming Soon: Iain Stamp’s illiterate and non-sensical Legal Papers containing basic errors, multiple changes to both his back-story and alleged cause(s) of action.

Stamp Threatens his Customers

In response to multiple complaints from his customers, Stamp responded by threatening to “lien” them all unless they swore allegiance to him

Stamp threatened Angela Musso for being interviewed by Open Democracy Magazine.
See the full article by clicking here

As at 1 Oct 2024 Iain Stamp has issued NO Legal Proceedings against any Customer




Stamp's 100% Track Record in "Bull-Shit" Continues ....

Iain Stamp is now shamelessly throwing his customers “under-the-bus” by instructing them to Claim Back payments on past and present Mortgages, just so that they can fund his newly advertised Mortgage Elimination “service” / “non-service” in which he again claims to have a “100% Track Record”. 

Anyone who has executed a Direct Debit Indemnity Claim (“DDI”) will be aware that the process does NOT have a 100% Track Record of success.  The process is wrought with obstacles and potential pitfalls.  Only those with the experience to handle the “fall-out” should go anywhere near a DDI. Extract from Stamp’s email of 22nd May 2023 is shown below. 

We've taken this Warning from Simon The Spaniard and created a new Video. PLEASE WATCH IT!

Stamp Resurrects his Mortgage Elimination Service

In his email dated 15th May 2023, and Webinar dated 17th May 2023 Stamp revealed that he is resurrecting his failed Mortgage Elimination Service.

Having fervently denied ever advertising a 100% Track record of Success, Stamp proceeded to re-launch the service with the following email:

We would be very interested to learn how Iain Stamp proposes to “discharge” past mortgages which have already been discharged.

We strongly believe that Iain Stamp is attempting to wreak havoc in revenge for having been called-out by so many of his customers.

Stephen Dewen - Stamp's "Head of Legal" - approved this Publication:

Stephen Dewen and his wife Joanne are located in Dunstable.

They enjoy Stephen's £5,000.00 p/m Salary paid from Customer Fees

Each Member of the Management Team Receives £5,000.00 p/m Salary

Is that What you Would Expect in the Truth Movement?

Matthew Fanthom heading up MFS also receives £5,000.00 p/m

Andrew Donald Jackman also receives £5,000.00 p/m

Iain Clifford Stamp receives £??? p/m

As at 4 Nov 23 - They have Written Off NO MORTGAGES

As at 4 Nov 23 - And NOT ONE 1099 Claim has been Successful

In Addition to the Private Prosecution - What Can I do?


As Victims of MATRIX FREEDOM – What is our Solution? 

We actually have a number of remedies we can use to retrieve the money we have paid to MATRIX FREEDOM / Iain Stamp and his co-conspirators. 

We also have the means to stop Iain Stamp and his management team from doing to others – what he has done to us.   Look at the power we have as members of a Private Members Association ~ perhaps we should vote out the existing regime?

What is a Private Members Association?

A Private Member’s Association (“PMA”) is a trust, in which there are Trustees (typically one to three key personnel) and various levels of “management”.

Each Member holds the position of Beneficiary.

Beneficiaries are entitled to call Meetings at which a vote of confidence can be demanded which may result in the dismissal of Trustees, and or Management Team members.

The Members own the Trust and the “profits” which derive from the PMA’s “business”.

Members have all the usual rights of a Beneficiary and can hold Trustees personally to account.   The Trustees owe a fiduciary duty to the Members, and MUST account for all monies passing through the PMA.   The PMA should have a separate Bank Account.

In the case of MATRIX FREEDOM – Iain Clifford Stamp has already admitted that the PMA does NOT have a Bank Account!

Payments are routed through one of a number of Stamp’s other companies OR via companies set up by staff members (for example: AK Administration Ltd which was created by Amy Kelly and is now being dissolved so as to avoid giving refunds).

What’s the connection between MATRIX FREEDOM PMA and MFS-PMA.com?

The simple answer is: Matthew Peter Fanthom.

Matthew Fanthom helped create MATRIX FREEDOM and even created a company MF Solutions Ltd (aka “MATRIX FREEDOM” Solutions Ltd) registered in the name of Matthew Fanthom. But then Iain Stamp and Matthew Fathom had a falling out.  

Matthew Fanthom has since tried to present himself as an innocent victim of the Iain Stamp regime, but that is not necessarily the truth.

MFS-PMA.com offer many of the failed “services” currently being offered by MATRIX FREEDOM – including “debt set off” (using Acceptance-for-Value – a process which is NOT designed to be sold as a “service” to “customers” and WILL require your attendance at court to make it work – which means you may as well do it yourself).

MFS-PMA also offer a Mortgage “Write Off” Service (see below) ~ ring any bells?

And MFS-PMA is (coincidentally) now “testing” its own “abundance” service (which bears striking similarities that offered by MATRIX FREEDOM.

One additional “service” that Matthew Fanthom appears to have created which we urge you to stay clear of is the ability to max-out your Credit Cards by uploading spare “capacity” into the MFS-PMA.com platform.

Fanthom then tells people to STOP paying the Credit Card (which in essence is encouraging people to commit fraud ~ ie borrowing money whilst having NO intention of repaying it).   Whether members actually get access to these “funds” is unknown – but either way – we suggest you steer clear of MFS-PMA.com.

Fanthom encourages people to spend these funds on the MFS-PMA.com platform to buy the “Credit Set-Off” service – which he advertises on the same basis as MATRIX FREEDOM

Fanthom is also offering an “abundance” style service (surprise surprise).  The service uses the 1099 tax claim as its foundation even though Fanthom and Stamp DO NOT KNOW how to complete the forms correctly!   As at 23rd May 2023 we are aware that neither Fanthom, nor Stamp actually have the know-how to obtain Tax Reclaims.

Can I take Legal Action to Recover the Money I paid to MATRIX FREEDOM or MFS-PMA.com?

The short answer is YES.  In fact – if you have been scammed for more than £3,000.00 you can recruit NO-WIN NO-FEE specialist Solicitors C.E.L.

They take on cases No Win no Fee, where either Fraud or some other Online Scam is involved.

Alternatively … you can take things on yourself AND be part of the Private Prosecution (see the Private Prosecution tab)

If you are planning to take things on yourself – have no fear – we are working closely with numerous ex-MATRIX FREEDOM customers and templates will be uploaded to this site very soon.

If you want to prepare this is what we suggest you do:

  1. Make a Bullet Point Account of ALL the MAJOR events to date:

    When you first heard of MATRIX FREEDOM.
    How you heard about them.
    What Prompted you to part with money.
    The Name of the Agent or Staff Member involved.
    The Promises they Made / Services they offered you.
    The Date you Paid them.
    What made you question their motives.
    Dates of Emails/Letters you have sent them.
    Dates you have requested a Refund.

  2. Prepare a Letter before Claim.   You can find templates by searching google.   We will upload a MATRIX FREEDOM specific example soon.

  3. The Parties ~ who are you suing?

    This is a question that many customers have asked themselves.   We have taken advice on this matter and suggest that you include each of the following:




    Why have we listed all three parties?   Because it is unclear which party actually owns MATRIX FREEDOM.    Courtesy of TheSpaniard we have uploaded a concise history of the Marketing Emails sent by MATRIX FREEDOM.   At the foot of each email is stated the alleged owner of the “organisation”.   IF Senj Ltd (seychelles) (allegedly dissolved) started off owning MATRIX FREEDOM et al, then Stamp should NOT and could NOT have simply taken the website to use for the PMA because the domain, and all intellectual property associated with the website belongs to the legal entity called SENJ Ltd (Seychelles). 

    We therefore suggest that where necessary an application be made to issue the claim to a party residing outside the Jurisdiction of England and Wales (see CPR 6.36 to 6.38) and Form N244) and where no permission is required use form N510.

Outside Assistance. 

At this juncture we would like to thank two individuals who have provided help, guidance and assistance to us as we attempt to understand the Legal System and our options for obtaining remedy.   A massive thank you to Simon Goldberg aka TheSpaniard and the White Rabbit Posse who have provided numerous snippets of information and evidence.

We also offer big thanks to David Laity who has independently assisted those members affected by the Data Protection breach which took place many months ago and has been left unresolved by Iain Stamp or MATRIX FREEDOM.  

We can confirm that we have identified a barrister who is prepared to take on a potential private criminal prosecution, and two ex-solicitors who have provided invaluable advice and guidance as to how we should proceed. 

Our thanks also go to the two members of MATRIX FREEDOM staff now assisting us with the task of gathering evidence against members of staff and or agents who ought reasonably have known that what was being offered by MATRIX FREEDOM was not achievable.

We also thank the ex-staff of MATRIX FREEDOM who have stepped forward to provide invaluable insight into what goes on behind the scenes.

Fanthom Runs MATRIX-FREEDOM version II, and attempts to disguise MFS-PMA.com . 

We are aware that Matt Fanthom is attempting to disguise the true meaning of “MFS” in MFS-PMA.com.  
The MFS website now contains the words: “My Favourite Solutions”.
We have some alternate suggestions which might appear more credible:

“My Favourite Socks”
“Matt Finks [you’re] Stupid”

MFS-PMA employs multiple staff from MATRIX FREEDOM:

Matthew Fanthom
David Aherst (aka David A-Hole) and
Andrew Donald Jackman, to name a few